This is my Impossible List. The concept was created by Joel Runyon. Its not a simple bucket list. Instead it is a list to drive me to do new and better things. The items on my list may not seem impossible to many people. They may indeed be things that many of you have already done. So, strictly speaking, they are not impossible. However, they are things that at this moment in time seem to be out of my reach. If I have learnt anything through my life so far though, there is nothing that is impossible, just things that haven’t been done yet. To me, those are the things worth aiming for.
- Visit every continent
North America- South America
Mainland Europe- Asia
- Australia
Africa- Antarctica
- Spend a month in a different country
- Speak another language fluently
- Complete a 50 mile cycle ride
- Running
Complete a 1 mile runComplete a 5k runComplete a sub 30 minute 5k- Complete a sub 25 minute 5k
- Do 200 situps
- Drop my body fat % to less than 25%
Environmental Footprint
- Carbon footprint
Reduce carbon footprint to 10t / year- Reduce carbon footprint to 8t / year
- Send no waste to landfill for a month
- Find a geocache in every county in the UK
- Become a good enough photographer that a stranger will buy a print
- Write and publish a non-fiction book
- Own a house outright
- Be self sustaining for a month
I will be adding to this list and modifying it over time. I will try and update on my blog, as I get closer to ticking each item off my list.